We are here to offer food growing entrepreneurs the support they need to start viable food growing businesses.

Zerodig site

Are you a grower?

As a grower, we will provide templates for your setup to include the infrastructure, build, costing templates, information about how to structure your team as well as year-round detailed weekly ‘to do lists’ for work needed on site and forward planning.  These are tried and tested methods which have worked across all of our sites to date.

If you are un-trained, we request a volunteering commitment at the Oakbrook site where we can work together to ensure that you have the right knowledge to set up a Zerodig site.

We do request that growers stick to our tried and tested methods – we have spent years refining our techniques and have made a number of mistakes which will save you needing to do so!

Do you own land?

If you are a landowner wanting to set up a Zerodig site, please get in touch.  We work with a number of growers who may be looking for land, and we can also provide templates for your setup to include the infrastructure, build, costing templates, and information about how to structure your team.

    Click on ‘Get Involved’ to register for more information.

    Wholesalers image of bagged salads

    Are you a wholesaler, shop or restaurant?

     If you have a keen focus on selling nutrient rich, locally grown produce, please do get in touch and we will arrange a tailored ‘grow to order’ contract for our Zerodig produce.

    Zerodig has created a financially viable, operationally secure model which supplies Zerodig produce, grown to order from across our sites.

      Click on ‘Get Involved’ to register for more information.